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And Joint Pain

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What A Pain In The Neck!

Falling Down Is An Accident;
Staying Down Is A


To Be Or Knot To Be 

At the risk of repeating myself, it's most likely that every symptom you have has an emotion cause.

Disease occurs when we are at a low, when we are already at our maximum and then something happens and dumps more on us. There's no time for us to process and release so our emotion gets stored up for another day. 

This is how PTSD occurs and it's also how we can develop a whole host of aches and pains. 


The big knot in your neck - You may be feeling that you are needing to control your environment and have OCD tendencies when others don't always see thing your way. You may have the nagging feeling that it's possible things could go wrong if you aren't always at the helm and it's only down to you to fix it all again if it does. This might have stemmed from childhood where you were exposed to too much pressure to understand situations and concepts that shouldn't have been introduced until you were much older. Do you take on too much responsibility for your caring personality?


Tight shoulders could mean - You've literally got the weight of the world on your shoulders, bogged down by responsibility as you value yourself by how much you can do for others. You might be fiercely independent and need to do everything by yourself as trusting others doesn't come naturally to you.

You've been strong for too long.


Shin Splints - Its hard for you to let others seeing any of your weaknesses. You worry about getting things wrong so you hold yourself back for fear of being judged, as you need to be the best and put pressure on yourself to perform but often your achievements feel unnoticed.


Back pain - Upper. You've experienced been bullied by others, forcing their personal agenda on you, and because this was a theme from childhood you don't tend to notice and cope with selective hearing. You tend to "bend over backwards" to please others to keep the peace, and love is easier for you to give than receive.

Sometimes there is a secondary gain to the back pain as it comes and goes. Meaning you are able to ask for help and can make time for yourself without feeling guilty.


Mid Back - Depression may be a factor as feelings of sadness have come to outweigh the good. Mostly because you always put other's needs before yours, as this was the theme of your childhood, looking after others. But somehow you still feel like you've failed in some way. 


A secondary gain could be that you've made some poor decisions in the past and feel the need to punish yourself as the pain allows you to soften up to other's compassion.


Lower Back - The lower back tends to be associated to money worries and feeling responsible for your family. You get flustered and overwhelmed easily but are motivated by acceptance. You lack self worth as you don't feel like you or the things you do are enough. 


Joint Problems - This maybe due to feelings of resentment and anger towards others seeming to have things easier than you and not finding it easy to let go of the past. You could have feelings of being trapped in your current situation and that family have projected their responsibilities onto you leaving you with a feeling of lack of freedom. 


Hips - Are an indicator of stored anger at loss of personal power, being bullied, unheard, a lack of respect, torn between parents as a child and no one taking you seriously. 


Tennis Elbow - Your personal boundaries might be an issue with you as you tend to push people away but crave the attention on another level. Depending what side the soreness is on it could be related to a relationship in your past. The right side could be due to a difficult relationship with males and the left with females. You might find it hard to make decisions about moving forward in life? Or overwhelmed with feeling responsible to provide for others as this is your main motivation but you still feel unhappy with all you've achieved.   


Ankles and Feet - Spraining your ankle can have a huge knock-on effect to the whole of your body and can be a continued weakness in that area opening up the possibility of it recurring multiple times at any point and sometimes meaning the end of a bright athletic future. This doesn't have to be the case with a technique developed by Dr Sheldon Deal that I have had the pleasure of using with impressive and instant results. 


The emotions linked with the ankle are a fear of moving forward in life and that what you might do could be wrong and have ramifications. A dislike of change, feelings of being unsupported, a want to control the emotional outcome of situations with the underlying drive to make sure others are happy with you. Self doubt and a fear around standing up for your needs, and the want to move into the future and leave the past behind you. 


The list of possible trapped emotional traumas in our systems is long but I'm sure you get my meaning, it all comes from somewhere and something unprocessed in your past that needs releasing. Amongst other techniques, using Dr Bradley Nelsons The Emotion Code we can pinpoint right to the heart of the trapped emotion in that area, finding out what and when this particular set of emotions responsible became trapped and release it with astounding results.

This in severe cases has eliminated the need for invasive surgeries and aftercare.


Using this technique has also had phenomenal results for sports performance and I've had clients gone on to win medals where they struggled to be placed in competitions before.

Releasing negative trapped emotions from their muscles allows them to train harder and faster than before, opening up their deeper athletic capabilities. 


Legal Disclaimer:

Please note Bioenergetics and all its different modalities are complementary therapies, working in conjunction with conventional methods helping you gain the best of both practices. My services are not meant to be confused with an alternative. If you are in need of urgent medical attention or medication management please consult with your GP or nearest A&E department.

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